How to Become an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate Marketing is becoming the fastest growing ways to make money online. You see ads web pages all the time. Guess what? They are affiliate marketing.

How affiliate marketing works is… that you sign up for a product to promote, you promote it, someone buys it and you get paid. That sounds simple don’t it? Well, it is kind of simple. You will have to learn how to find the right products to promote and how to promote it, but I’ll tell you about that later.

First thing first is you need to go to a site like Commission Junction and sign up. Once you sign up, you can browse what kind of products they offer that you can promote. Once you find something there to promote, you can add the code to your site. Make sure you pick something that will be compatible with your website. Like, if your website is about fixing cars, you find an affiliate program that has do with where to get parts for the car.

You need to make sure your affiliate link or banner is somewhere that will get people to notice it and make them want to click on it. This up to you/ try different location until you find one that works for you.

Once you have that set up the code on your website, you will have to promote the page to get people on the site. That is somewhat easy to do. The best and easy way to do it is to post in forums that is similar to your site and have you site in the signature. You can also write articles on sites like this one with your link in the resource portion of the article.

Now you might be saying, “what if I don’t have a website?” Well, that’s fine also, just make a blog about a subject that you know about and go to Commission Junction to find an affiliate product to promote it.

Now the key to promoting it, isn’t to add it to your blog or website and telling them to click on the link for great deals. I have seen people do that but for me, I don’t like doing that. Let them click if they want to.

Also if you don’t want to start a blog, you can also use a signature in a forum if you post in the right forums. But that’s sometimes is frowned upon. I have seen people do that before though. I’m not sure how much money you can make doing it this way, but you can always try it if that is what you want to do.