How To Use Goals As A Time Management Tool

By: Bridgette Boudreaux

You've heard the saying, "If you do not know where you are going, how will you know when you get there." Imagine the aggravation of traveling by automobile to another state for a conference, meeting or preferably a vacation, without a map as a guide, the convenience of map quest or have the privilege to have On Star in your automobile to determine the best route to take to get to your destination. You would travel unnecessary routes, waste time and increase your stress level 100 percent. Why would you do this to yourself?

Well, you do it to yourself in your business if you do not have clearly defined goals which pave a way to your desired destination or outcome. Let's explore three simple ways to use goals as a time management tool.

Define Goals

The Webster Dictionary defines goals as a purpose; objective. I define goals as a route, plan or series of steps to get to a desired destination or outcome. You must have clear goals stating what you would like to accomplish in your business. What are your goals? What would you like to accomplish within the next three, six or twelve months? If you do not have a least five concise, clear goals written down you must do it now. Define your short term and long term goals. Without a direction or plan you will spend your days and time aimlessly without being productive. Don't get stuck working in your business, work on your business.

Know The End Before You Began

Upon completion of defining your goals, it is best to know the end before you began. What will be the desired result of your goal? For example, one of my goals was to have a monthly e-zine, the monthly e-zine is the desired result, the end. In order to reach that result, I had to brainstorm on the necessary steps needed to get to the end. I studied other e-zines publications, auto responders, researched topics and wrote articles, created and included an opt-in box on my web page for subscribers. Those steps became my road map, my atlas to get to my desired outcome. It also broke my goal down to smaller reachable tasks that I could include in my daily schedule. How do you eat an elephant? One piece at a time!

Take Daily Action Steps

You must commit to completing daily tasks towards your goals until successful completion. You've defined your goal, mapped out the steps, now get out your planner and block time everyday to work on your tasks. Do not add the tasks to your "to do list", actually put it in your schedule so that you are expected to work on it no matter what else is going on. If I schedule writing articles from 9:00 am - 10:00 am, I will not do anything else during this time, I will not answer the telephone or check email messages. Time blocked on your schedule should be uninterrupted time avoiding all time wasters. Develop a habit to plan your next day's schedule at the end of your current work day, this will keep you organize, monitor your time and increase your productivity.

Power Selling With Word Choice

By: Kurt Mortensen

The Law of Verbal Packaging states that the more skillful a person is in the use of language, the more persuasive they will be. People are persuaded by us based on the words we use. Words affect our perceptions, our attitudes, our beliefs, and our emotions. The words we use in the persuasion process make all the difference in the world. Language used incorrectly will lose the deal you might otherwise have closed. Word skills are also directly related to earning power. Successful people all share a common ability to use language in ways that evoke vivid thoughts, feelings, and actions in their audiences

Over 60 percent of your day is spent in oral communication, in which you could be persuading, explaining, influencing, motivating, counseling, or instructing. You can create movement, excitement, and vision with the words you use. The right words are captivating; the wrong words are devastating. The right words make things come to life, create energy, and are more persuasive than the wrong words. As Mark Twain said, "The difference between the right word and the wrong word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug." The bottom line is that the words you use attract or repel your prospects.

Understand that proper language varies from setting to setting, and from event to event. One word choice does not work in every circumstance. Word choice can also be critical to defusing situations and in getting people to accept your point of view. Even one word can make the difference in perception and acceptance. In a study by Harold Kelley,1 students were given a list of qualities describing a guest speaker they were about to hear. Each student read from either one of the following two lists:

1. Cold, industrious, critical, practical, and determined 2. Warm, industrious, critical, practical, and determined

Of course, the students who read #1 had less than positive feelings about the speaker. The interesting thing, though, is that the lists are exactly the same except for one word! It seemed that the differing word's placement at the head of the list conditioned how the reader felt in reading through the rest of the list. It didn't matter that none of the following words were negative. Just reading the word "cold" tainted how the students read the rest of the list.

Words communicate abstract or vague things. We can use them to explain events, to share feelings, and to help visualize the future. Words shape our thoughts, feelings, and attitudes towards a subject. They help decide if we stay neutral or take action. Just reading words can affect your thoughts, attitudes, and feelings. For example, read these six words slowly and vocally, taking notice of how they make you feel.

Murder -- Hate -- Depressed -- Cancer -- Sad -- Despair

Now read the following six words slowly and vocally, noticing how the words affect you as you do so.

Wealth -- Success -- Happiness -- Health -- Inspiration -- Joy

How did these words make you feel? Successful persuaders know how to use the right words to create the desired response in their audiences. Speakers with greater verbal skills come across as more credible, more competent, and more convincing. Speakers who hesitate, use the wrong words, or lack fluency have less credibility and come across as weak and ineffective.

Sales professionals also use words carefully. They know that one wrong word can send their prospect's mind somewhere else and lose them the sale. Some examples of language that salespeople use to help diffuse a potentially tense situation include the following:

Contract -- Agreement/paperwork Sign here -- OK the paperwork /Autograph Sell/buy -- Get involved Cancellation -- Right of rescission Salesperson -- Business consultant Commission -- Fee for my services Cost -- Investment Credit card -- Form of payment Problem -- Challenge Objections -- Areas of concern Expensive -- Top of the line Cheaper -- More economical Service charge -- Processing fee

The airline industry has mastered the power of words. They know word choice is critical to getting their point across and to reducing panic. When you listen to the flight attendants' instructions before take off, you also hear careful word choice. They tell you that in the event of a water landing, your seat cushion can be used as a "flotation device." Hello! What they're really saying is, "If we crash into water, grab your seat cushion so you don't drown." Notice they don't say "life preserver," but rather they call it a "flotation device." Also note that there is no "barf bag" on board--it's a motion discomfort bag. Or "we are experiencing a mechanical difficulty" instead of "the plane is broken." They don't clean the plane; they refresh it. Planes aren't late; they're merely delayed. And, my personal favorite, they never lose my luggage; they misplace it. Yes, airlines know the power of word choice in affecting their customers' point of view.

Website Success = Content! Content! Content!

by: Francois du Toit

We have all heard the real estate slogan: “Location! Location! Location!”. Well, if that is the slogan of the real estate industry then “Content! Content! Content!” is certainly the slogan for all webmasters. Maybe I should rather say it SHOULD BE the slogan for all webmasters…Unfortunately many webmasters are only focusing on how they can make more money instead of providing visitors to their website with good content.

I recently heard that more than 40% of all people with an internet business have only been online for no longer than 6 months. I am not sure about the exact percentage but I can believe that 40%+ is not far away from the truth.

One thing is for sure: Many people start an internet business believing they are going to make a fortune online within a very short period of time. The reality is that very few people actually achieve any sort of online success, especially in the first six months. The result is a constant stream of new webmasters and a constant outflow of disillusioned webmasters.

Most newcomers are totally disillusioned with the internet after only a couple of weeks or months. They often fall prey to unscrupulous dealers that sell them expensive programs “guaranteed” to make them succeed on the internet. Most of these programs do not work and they leave with the bitter taste in their mouths of being conned.

Do the statistics prove that one should not attempt to make money online or that the internet is a big hoax? No, they prove that people give us too soon. They prove that people have unrealistic expectations. They prove that people do not acquire enough knowledge before embarking on an online business.

What are the most common mistakes?

1. No clear strategy. Newcomers often have no clear idea of what they want to achieve and how they should go about achieving it. They try to go of in all directions at once or use the shotgun approach of firing away at everything that moves hoping they will eventually hit something.

2. Unrealistic expectations. People often spend $25,000+ pa. on college fees for three years just to earn $40,000 pa. when they graduate. However, when it comes to making money online they refuse to invest the time to learn how to succeed and expect to make $10,000 from the very first month working only a couple of hours per day.

3. People are often chasing money without taking the time to put the necessary structures in place that will enable them to earn money.

Assume you want to open your own restaurant. Do you try to make money without a location or any food to offer your customers? No! You start by drawing up a business plan - What are you planning on doing, how & when are you going to start, who are your competitors, how long will it take before you start making money, how much money do you need to invest, what does your cash flow look like, etc.

Many people still think they can build a quick one page website or get a free affiliate website and that they will have a constant stream of visitors eager to snap up anything they have to offer. Nothing can be further away from the truth.

Think about it logically. Put yourself in the shoes of a visitor. Most people search the internet looking for information (content). The search engines know this and reward unique content websites by indexing them more favorably than poorly constructed websites, websites with very little content or duplicate websites. There are millions of websites on the net. I am sorry, but if a visitor runs a search for a keyword such as “business opportunity” and your site is number 99,000,000 of 100,000,000 then you are never going to get any visitors. Accept it.

What can you do? The first and most important step you can take is to ensure that your website has good content. Write about something you know and are passionate about. If you struggle to write one page about a certain topic then rather forget about it. You should be able to write many pages of relevant content that other people would like to read. Try to remain original and focus on unique content.

There are many things you can do to improve your website in the future by making it more attractive to your visitors as well as the search engines. However, there is really nothing you can do to improve a website with poor content until you do something to improve the content.

Whatever website you want to establish, remember the golden rule: Content! Content! Content!

To your success!

5 Internet Marketing Mindsets Required for Online Business Success

by: Donna Gunter

Many independent service professionals nonchalantly enter the Internet marketing game by throwing together a half-baked website without any plan and mistakenly believe that visitors will find them. Initially, my online business grew from word-of-mouth referrals from other clients rather than from any true Internet marketing. My website simply served as an online brochure detailing my services and my rates for several years.

Over time, I became tired of trading time for money. Upon gaining some time and experience in business, the independent service professional has a rude awakening that there are only so many hours in the day and consequently that limits the number of clients that can be served.

Despite all the useful information I'd absorbed over the years about expanding my business reach through the development of products that I could sell on my website, I just didn't want to devote the time necessary to create multiple streams of income for my business. However, as I began to see friends and colleagues do this successfully in their businesses, the light bulb finally went off, and I realized that this was my next step, as well. So, I bit the bullet and began to try some of the strategies and began to get quick results from what I had implemented.

In my own professional development as an Internet marketer, as well as from work with clients over the years, I've come to realize that there are 5 Internet Marketing Mindsets that must be in place for someone to be successful online:

1. Create content that can be re-purposed. The goals here is to create your content once and find multiple ways to use it or multiple ways of delivery. So, for example, if you have an Inspiration Line phone service in which you record an inspiring thought each day for your clients, you can record these calls and have them serve as a publicity tool by distributing them as a podcast. This will help drive traffic to your site and bring people into your marketing funnel. When you've accumulated enough recordings, you then sell a subscription membership so that the buyer receives a new inspiring thought each day via email or a direct-to-desktop service. Over time, you can categorize recordings by topic and then combine the recordings into multiple motivational CDs or .mp3 downloads and make them available for sale online. When you've been doing this for a year, perhaps you then parlay the recordings into a book or an inspirational card deck. Sometimes it helps to start with the end in mind.

2. Record everything that you do. Whether you're doing live events, radio or TV interviews, teleclasses, webinars, etc., it pays to record and have a permanent record of everything that you do. Having a digital video recording of yourself in a one-day live event can be packaged into a "home study" course. Teleclasses with transcripts can be resold individually or packaged together for a bigger product. Radio or TV interviews can be placed on your website to enhance your credibility and convince a meeting planner to pay you big bucks to come and provide a keynote speech. Open your mind to the possibilities for re-purposing your recordings.

3. Get yourself and your customers into a sales mentality. Many of my clients simply like to have their products sit obscurely for sale on their websites and do nothing to make their list members or website visitors aware of what they have for sale for fear of offending their visitors or subscribers. If someone is going to be offended because you're trying to sell to them, then just let them go. You don't need a list of tire-kickers who want to sponge all the free info that they can from you and never buy anything -- you'll never be able to stay in business that way.

I have to chuckle when I do a promotion and get an email from someone on the list who chastises me for "daring" to sell to them and notes that they much prefer to "decide" when they want to buy something from me and then they threaten to leave the list. I just respond that I'm sorry that they feel that way, but unfortunately I'm not a trust-fund baby, and that my hard-earned information has the same value as any info that they might get from their car mechanic, doctor, attorney, or accountant, and I've never seen any of those professionals give away what they know.

Creating a sales mentality means that you need to acknowledge that you're in business to make money through selling and that your customers need to become accustomed to having you sell and seeing things for sale all over your websites. This is no different than the trait needed for success if you were to own a brick-and-mortar retail establishment. You can still provide free and valuable information to your visitors, but reserve the right to take that info, create a unique packaging and title for pieces of info on the same topic, and put it up for sale.

4. Acknowledge that people will pay more for convenience and instant delivery online. Many times, as I'm trying to help a client determine the price for a product, they' object to the price I suggest because they compare it to a physical product that can be purchased in the local bookstore or online bookstore for less. The "buy it now and give it to me instantly" mentality that is prevalent among online shoppers dictates that you can charge a higher price for an electronic product than a physical product because the shopper can fulfill his/her need for instant gratification and receive the electronic product in mere seconds. Wouldn't you rather do that instead of having to get in the car to make a trip across town to buy the product or waiting a few days for the delivery of a physical product from an online store?

And, people will pay for convenience. I recently spoke with a client about selling her content that was ready available in various locations all over the Internet. She was concerned that no one would pay for the product since it was currently available online at no cost if someone were to look hard enough. I told her that many of her customers didn't know it was available online, and even if they did, they would have to invest a great deal of their free time to gather all the info in one place. Few of us have that luxury of time today. For most of us, if it's easy and convenient and will save us some time, we'll buy it.

5. Plan your business growth around your marketing funnel. Independent service professionals shouldn't live on the sale of their services alone. Trust me, at some point in your business, you won't want to do that any longer. You need to create a marketing funnel of your products and services that range in price from free to very expensive and base your marketing strategy around that funnel. Your online business success will depend upon people being able to "sample" your expertise before deciding to purchase your service.

Remember that it takes 7-10 "touches" before a prospect will turn into a customer. Give them several ways to experience your expertise, all the way from free to expensive, with any number of price points and options in between. Keep your marketing funnel in mind in all that you do and strategize how every new activity, whether that's creating a new product, writing another article, offering a new service, or being a guest on a radio show fits into your marketing funnel.

By adopting these 5 Internet Marketing Mindsets into your daily marketing mantra, you'll be well on your way to positioning your online business for many years of success!

Copyright (c) 2006 Donna Gunter

5 Internet Marketing Mindsets Required for Online Business Success

Many independent service professionals nonchalantly enter the Internet marketing game by throwing together a half-baked website without any plan and mistakenly believe that visitors will find them. Initially, my online business grew from word-of-mouth referrals from other clients rather than from any true Internet marketing. My website simply served as an online brochure detailing my services and my rates for several years.

Over time, I became tired of trading time for money. Upon gaining some time and experience in business, the independent service professional has a rude awakening that there are only so many hours in the day and consequently that limits the number of clients that can be served.

Despite all the useful information I'd absorbed over the years about expanding my business reach through the development of products that I could sell on my website, I just didn't want to devote the time necessary to create multiple streams of income for my business. However, as I began to see friends and colleagues do this successfully in their businesses, the light bulb finally went off, and I realized that this was my next step, as well. So, I bit the bullet and began to try some of the strategies and began to get quick results from what I had implemented.

In my own professional development as an Internet marketer, as well as from work with clients over the years, I've come to realize that there are 5 Internet Marketing Mindsets that must be in place for someone to be successful online:

1. Create content that can be re-purposed. The goals here is to create your content once and find multiple ways to use it or multiple ways of delivery. So, for example, if you have an Inspiration Line phone service in which you record an inspiring thought each day for your clients, you can record these calls and have them serve as a publicity tool by distributing them as a podcast. This will help drive traffic to your site and bring people into your marketing funnel. When you've accumulated enough recordings, you then sell a subscription membership so that the buyer receives a new inspiring thought each day via email or a direct-to-desktop service. Over time, you can categorize recordings by topic and then combine the recordings into multiple motivational CDs or .mp3 downloads and make them available for sale online. When you've been doing this for a year, perhaps you then parlay the recordings into a book or an inspirational card deck. Sometimes it helps to start with the end in mind.

2. Record everything that you do. Whether you're doing live events, radio or TV interviews, teleclasses, webinars, etc., it pays to record and have a permanent record of everything that you do. Having a digital video recording of yourself in a one-day live event can be packaged into a "home study" course. Teleclasses with transcripts can be resold individually or packaged together for a bigger product. Radio or TV interviews can be placed on your website to enhance your credibility and convince a meeting planner to pay you big bucks to come and provide a keynote speech. Open your mind to the possibilities for re-purposing your recordings.

3. Get yourself and your customers into a sales mentality. Many of my clients simply like to have their products sit obscurely for sale on their websites and do nothing to make their list members or website visitors aware of what they have for sale for fear of offending their visitors or subscribers. If someone is going to be offended because you're trying to sell to them, then just let them go. You don't need a list of tire-kickers who want to sponge all the free info that they can from you and never buy anything -- you'll never be able to stay in business that way.

I have to chuckle when I do a promotion and get an email from someone on the list who chastises me for "daring" to sell to them and notes that they much prefer to "decide" when they want to buy something from me and then they threaten to leave the list. I just respond that I'm sorry that they feel that way, but unfortunately I'm not a trust-fund baby, and that my hard-earned information has the same value as any info that they might get from their car mechanic, doctor, attorney, or accountant, and I've never seen any of those professionals give away what they know.

Creating a sales mentality means that you need to acknowledge that you're in business to make money through selling and that your customers need to become accustomed to having you sell and seeing things for sale all over your websites. This is no different than the trait needed for success if you were to own a brick-and-mortar retail establishment. You can still provide free and valuable information to your visitors, but reserve the right to take that info, create a unique packaging and title for pieces of info on the same topic, and put it up for sale.

4. Acknowledge that people will pay more for convenience and instant delivery online. Many times, as I'm trying to help a client determine the price for a product, they' object to the price I suggest because they compare it to a physical product that can be purchased in the local bookstore or online bookstore for less. The "buy it now and give it to me instantly" mentality that is prevalent among online shoppers dictates that you can charge a higher price for an electronic product than a physical product because the shopper can fulfill his/her need for instant gratification and receive the electronic product in mere seconds. Wouldn't you rather do that instead of having to get in the car to make a trip across town to buy the product or waiting a few days for the delivery of a physical product from an online store?

And, people will pay for convenience. I recently spoke with a client about selling her content that was ready available in various locations all over the Internet. She was concerned that no one would pay for the product since it was currently available online at no cost if someone were to look hard enough. I told her that many of her customers didn't know it was available online, and even if they did, they would have to invest a great deal of their free time to gather all the info in one place. Few of us have that luxury of time today. For most of us, if it's easy and convenient and will save us some time, we'll buy it.

5. Plan your business growth around your marketing funnel. Independent service professionals shouldn't live on the sale of their services alone. Trust me, at some point in your business, you won't want to do that any longer. You need to create a marketing funnel of your products and services that range in price from free to very expensive and base your marketing strategy around that funnel. Your online business success will depend upon people being able to "sample" your expertise before deciding to purchase your service.

Remember that it takes 7-10 "touches" before a prospect will turn into a customer. Give them several ways to experience your expertise, all the way from free to expensive, with any number of price points and options in between. Keep your marketing funnel in mind in all that you do and strategize how every new activity, whether that's creating a new product, writing another article, offering a new service, or being a guest on a radio show fits into your marketing funnel.

By adopting these 5 Internet Marketing Mindsets into your daily marketing mantra, you'll be well on your way to positioning your online business for many years of success!

Author by: Donna Gunter

Five Mistakes That Affiliates Make in Marketing

More and more affiliates are making the same mistakes in affiliate marketing. The worst part is that they're just doing what they're taught by the "affiliate marketing experts." It is unbelievable that 95% of affiliates make no money.

The problem is the way the 95% are running their affiliate marketing businesses. Avoiding the most common mistakes made by affiliates will easily and quickly increase your chances of making affiliate sales. Below you will learn the top mistakes made and how to avoid them. Hopefully, this will make you a much better top seller.

1. Not Building for Search Engines

Most successful affiliates learn to make the search engines their best friends. They are the best source for long-term, free traffic for your affiliate sites. Your site needs to contain clean coding, provide excellent content, and optimize all your pages.

It might be in your best interest to get in touch with someone who does search engine optimization to give you a helping hand. Some affiliate web sites have so much going on that the visitor gets confused and they hit the back button and never come back. It is important to keep your pages clean and targeted to get them to click over to the products and merchant(s) you are promoting.

2. Banners, banners and more banners

Probably the biggest problem seen in affiliate sites is that they are filled with too many banners. The goal is to lure someone with good content and then urge them to click on the banner to learn more.

If you put in the effort by having original personal endorsements, short descriptions, relevant articles and graphics, you will see your sales increasing. Take the time to personalize your site and modify it to suit your target area. Visitors will appreciate knowing that you are a real person running the site that they are visiting.

3. Promoting the Program instead of the Product

It never fails; affiliates joint the ever popular two-tier affiliate programs and then create a one page site telling other people to join. Unless you are extremely skilled at luring in key people, or know how to get thousands of affiliates to sign up, you are not going to get rich.

It is best to find an affiliate program that is a product or service that you can promote and sell. You will have much better chance of making money by promoting products that are of incredibly good value, that you believe in and can easily sell by telling people about your incredible find.

4. Playing It CHEAP

We know that you really donĂ¯¿½t want to spend a lot of money getting your business up and running, but NOONE wants to visit a site that looks like you don't have any money. You want to avoid sites that look like they are on a free hosting site with a free e-mail address. This just send the message to potential subscribers that either you have not made any money or that you really don't know what you are doing.

Domain names and hosting is really cheap these days. Spending about 9 dollars a year for domain name and less than 5 dollars a month for hosting will not break your bank. In the long run, it will make your site look professional and more people will take you seriously.

5. Lack of Solid Foundation

Most affiliates have high hopes of earning high commissions but are promoting questionable products and services. Building something of value and creating a business that you are proud of and creating a solid foundation is the key to earning money. Even if your site is small, make sure that it is useful, strong, and informative not only about what you are selling, but how it will help people.

When you build a site that helps people, it will do wonders for your marketing. Another way to improve your foundation is to allow people to link to your site. The more people see your site out there, the more you will sell.

It does take time to build the perfect affiliate site. However, with a little perseverance and patience, people will see your site, view you as an expert in your field, and ask for interviews. All of this will attach more and more links to your site and you will see your site climbing.

Build a business based on a solid foundation. If you keep it real, give people what they want in a helpful way, you will succeed and continue to grow your business.

Author by Markus Corkern

How To Use The Power Of Networking And Leverage Like the Big Businesses do

How do you earn your money? Are you:

1. working for someone

2. a professional or self-employed (exchange your expertise for someone’s money) = small business owner

3. a business owner

4. an investor

Most people opt for employment because they see it as a “safe” option. “Job Security” is what they want. However, as many people will tell you; due to downsizing and industries like the recording industry changing from records to CD’s, where a skill is literally obsolete overnight, there is no such thing as “Job Security.” Think for yourself: What would you do if your boss tells you tomorrow that you have no job? How long will you be able to survive?

The second way is to be self-employed, or to be a professional. Some professionals have jobs, like teachers, nurses and doctors, but most have a practice or are self employed. Others are self employed by offering a service. If you ask someone who is self employed why he is self employed, he will often say: “I prefer working for myself and not for a boss.” That is just about the only advantage I can see. Does the self employed have fixed hours to work? No, they often work overtime. Do they have a fixed salary? No, if there is a bad month, they have to take a cut in earnings. They can’t take holidays, weekends or days off.

The third way is to be a business owner – this is someone who leverages his time by having people work for him, and/or own a big network of businesses, such as McDonalds.

The fourth way is to be an Investor – someone who uses money as leverage.

You can possibly see from the descriptions above that the last two: Business Owner and/or Investor probably have the most money. Why do they have more money? There are two words above that give you a clue: Network and Leverage.

What is a network?

My Thesaurus describes it as: A system, complex, set-up, set of connections, and set of contacts. Examples of Business Networks or Systems: McDonalds, Wendy’s, Starbucks, Wal-Mart,

What is leverage?

My Thesaurus says: influence, power, force, control, pull, weight. Simply put, leverage is to get other people to do work for you so you can get more done. The owner of McDonalds has 1000’s of people doing work for him in stead of him doing it all himself.

Can you see the power of leverage and networking? How can you use the power of networking? You can start your own business. However, starting your own business is quite difficult and very costly, and most people don’t have the money to get started. You will have to come up with a new idea, or an idea that gives you a competitive advantage over an existing business. After putting lots of your own money into research, brand names, copyrighting and start-up costs, you will have to find loans somewhere with your business plan that your accountant wrote for you. Most people who want to start their own business take out a loan on the equity in their property, or take out a second mortgage on their house, to get started. Big business may start as a small business. But take care that you don’t think your small business falls in this category. If you bought your small business, and you are running it, and it needs you to survive, then you just bought yourself a job. But true leverage is when you can walk away from your business and it can carry on without you.

However, most people don’t have the resources to get their own business up and running. Besides, there is another problem for most people: Consider this scene: You have worked for a company for 15 years. You have been promoted a couple of times. Now there is an opening to become manager of your division. You and another guy both want that position. You have both worked hard for it, but only one of you can get it. Perhaps one of you wants the promotion so bad, he is willing to bribe someone for it - Is this fair? Most people can never dream of obtaining the top jobs.

Now we have to wonder: Is there a way that you can use the power of Networking and Leverage as well? Is there a fair structure where you get paid and promoted directly in proportion with your efforts? The good news is that there is. It is called “Network Marketing.” In Network Marketing, not only do you get paid directly in proportion to your efforts, but you have the power of leverage and networking working for you as well. You have exactly the same opportunity as anyone else to get promoted to the top positions. Now this is fair.

But isn’t Network Marketing an illegal Pyramid Scheme? I hear you ask.

Though Network Marketing and pyramid schemes do share some similarities, there’s a very important difference that makes the latter illegal. In pyramid schemes, income is generated solely on the process of recruiting others into the pyramid. Sometimes a product of service of questionable value is involved (that is never retailed to the general public by the way), but generally what you’re buying is the right to recruit others into the scheme. This is illegal. Also, in pyramid schemes, those who get in first and who are at the top win, while everyone else loses. In a legitimate Network Marketing company, on the other hand, distributors are paid only on product movement, not on recruiting, both at wholesale and retail. There’s also compensation based on training and managing of your marketing team. And unlike illegal pyramids, in Network Marketing, no matter where you’re positioned or when you join, you can advance to the very highest income levels and even make more money than those above you in the network.

In all business and government structures, the pyramid is the foundation. It contains the hierarchy of, and indeed shapes the role of, all who participate in the organization. Whether it is the president of the United States and his vice president, Congress, and all the way down to the local government employees, or Microsoft, where one guy sits on the top, followed by his vice presidents, all the way down to the mail clerks, the pyramid structure is ubiquitous. The first thing we should agree on is that there is no inherent problem with the structure of a pyramid.

In government and in business there are several features of the pyramid that are found consistently:

1. The further away from the pinnacle, the less power an individual has, and the less money he or she makes.

2. There is usually one person on the top and that position is typically unattainable to others in the organization. If someone lower down in the structure does assume that top position, it is still reserved for one person at a time.

3. Normally those at the top like to stay at the top. Those toward the top may have incentives to move up higher in their organization, but there is typically no incentive for those higher up to help advance those who are lower down to surpass them. The order of the hierarchy is somewhat sacred.

4. At each level in the organization job titles go along with salaries. Normally a person cannot assume more money or more power without the “permission” of someone above granting those advancements. Normally, people have little control over advancing. One cannot typically “self-advance.”

Going back to pyramid schemes versus legitimate network marketing, the contrasts and similarities need to be examined. One of the bad images of pyramid schemes stems from the fact that if there is no viable product, or just money is being moved around, the people at the bottom really do get a raw deal. If only money is being passed around, by the time an individual rises to the top, the money may simply have run out. This is bogus, illegal and frowned upon by the Direct Sellers Association, and the Federal Trade Commission. (Both the DSA and the FTC oversee and ordain legitimate network marketing companies.) Contrast this with MLM compensation plans in which income is only paid out to those who qualify with enough volume during that pay period.

In a pyramid scheme, the payout runs out because no such limits are set.

In a good Network Marketing company the product is so good it can stand on its own. So this is the way the money is made: From the product, not from recruiting. These are the features of a good Network Marketing Company:

1. Each distributor can surpass the level of anybody who came into the organization before him or her, if the new distributor’s performance is greater than the one already in the business.

2. Each new distributor is encouraged to become a CEO, or the top of his pyramid, by the encouragement, leadership, and training of those in his support team. Those above the new distributor in the organization are motivated to elevate the level of everyone who is newer in the business.

3. There is no glass ceiling, no job title with a fixed and limited salary attached to it. The system does represent financial freedom because the model for business growth and the ability to generate income are inherently limitless. The rewards, incentives, acknowledgements, etc. at every level above the new distributor, all the way to corporate, are authentic, on-going, effective, and inspiring.

4. There are no barriers such as race, education, gender, previous experience, etc. Anyone who does the work gets to the top. (Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and of The Business School for People Who like Helping People has been a strong advocate of network marketing. He tells a story of having been the top salesman at Xerox; he was not promoted because he lacked a college degree.)

5. There is no single top position. There is unlimited room for these so-called top positions.

6. People can “self-advance.” We give ourselves a raise based on performance, not on politics, nepotism, returning favours, or anything else.

7. No one’s earnings are limited to his or her own efforts. Through the process of leveraging ourselves, the bulk of our commissions come from other people like you and me, who want a better life. It is a business of teaching other people to teach other people, to teach other people, etc. It is an ethical, high-spirited, method of distribution, product consumption, and compensation.

Network marketing represents what we all crave: financial freedom, and time freedom. The opportunities for leadership and self-development are as great as the chance to make a lot of money. Whether or not you decide that this is for you, it is hard to beat this model for building an asset that will pay you over and over. Network marketing makes sense; it is the only viable model for creating financial freedom for the average person. And it is fair.

If you are ready to earn what you’re worth click here for a look at a couple of excellent programs and a way to promote them:

Earning Thousands By Affiliate Selling

By: Diane Hughes

Affiliate selling online can make you the ultimate virtual sales representative. You can literally sell any product on the market today to consumers all around the world. With aggressive techniques, you can earn thousands in commissions without leaving the comforts of your own home.

An affiliate seller is like a traffic director of merchandising. He/she signals the oncoming consumer traffic to the companies that supply the products in which they are searching. Consequently, when a sale is made from your directed or redirected traffic, you get a commission of the sale. Thousands of Internet businesses utilize this every day—seven days a week and 365 days of the year. But is it as easy as it sounds? Absolutely!

The majority of major online companies offer affiliate marketing and commission programs and each and every one of them will, no doubt, welcome you in assisting in getting their products to the public. Many have either established their own affiliate program or use affiliate companies such as Commission Junction and LinkShare. Check out the online companies that want you to work for them. – Amazon is practically the most popular online marketplace in the world. Known as the go to place to find books, Amazon sells everything from beauty products and apparel to electronics and power tools. Amazon supplies a comprehensive section for its affiliates. The site is Once you sign up, Amazon supplies you with a tool (on their website) in which any affiliate (Amazon refers to them as associates) can create attractive links to the specific product you wish to advertise. Furthermore, Amazon will supply affiliates detailed information on the items sold through the efforts of the associate. and – Both of these companies are powerhouses in retail sales all across the United States. They have managed to build corporate presences due to their versatile ability to supply customers with the opportunity of one stop shopping. They are attempting to establish the identical, powerful, ‘virtual’ presence on the Internet as well. Both companies offer affiliate programs as well. Unlike Amazon, Wal-Mart and Target offer their commission program through the LinkShare Network with commissions up to 7% of total sales referred. You can sign up by going to the homepage of each store ( and and clicking on the “Affiliate Program” link at the bottom of the page.

Commission Junction – Commission Junction is the service many of the large corporations utilizes to manage their affiliate programs. Commission Junction’s companies include, but aren’t limited to,, (Home Shopping Network),,,,,,,,, Tommy Hilfiger, The Home Depot and Yahoo! What this means is that there is absolutely no product you cannot represent. If you want to be a travel agent, try Expedia, Marriott and Travelocity. If you like electronics, there is Dell and Best Buy and many others. The only limitation to your ability to sell is you!

Affiliate sales are tracked by a code that is embedded in each link you build from the corporate affiliate program website. This code verifies exactly what link the potential client was referred. If the link on your page redirected a consumer to buy from the corporate website, you are credited for the sale and commissions are figured.

How To Start On Your Road To Riches With Google AdWords Today!

How to start on your road to riches with Google AdWords today! Follow these simple steps and be inspired by this article that shows you how to make money online today.

First, find a product you want to promote, something you feel passionate about and that you know people will want it. Start with simple products such as software or ebook, a good place to start is to go to and do a bit of research on the products you are looking for.

Second, perform a simple keyword research to identify potential target market, you can go to to find out what are the more popular keywords people are searching for.

Third, go and register an account at and follow the simple instruction to put an AdWords advertisement with popular keywords to drive targeted visitors to your landing page or merchant website.

Fourth, it is important to have a landing page or opt in page to build your email list. It is vital to get an autoresponder as soon as possible to build your list.

Fifth, you will get paid whenever a visitor you refer makes a purchase or completes a required "call-to-action".

Before you go through these five steps, you must visualize success and see yourself making money online. You also need to be willing to invest in yourself, to learn as much as possible. You must be teachable and believe that you can do it. You also must identify a team you can work with or find a mentor who is willing to guide you. And most important of all you must enjoy what you are doing and that is why I ask you to find a product you are passionate about or believe wholeheartedly it will help people who need a solution to their problem. And, of course, you must take action and have enough discipline to commit to daily action to work on your computer and start making money online!

I've attended a world-famous personal development program called Money & YOU and one of the popular teachings is "The highest form of leverage is...EDUCATION" How much have you invested in educating yourself on personal development and business? Jay Abraham, the world renowned marketing genius, and my marketing guru, has constantly taught his students that marketing can give you great leverage and returns of thousands of percent!

It is obvious that if you want to be rich, you must do what the rich people are doing! Successful people are willing to share how they achieve their wealth and there are no secrets. There are lots of books written on creating wealth and lots of information is freely available from the Internet. This year I invested over $10,000 to learn more about internet marketing, you must be willing to invest before you can create wealth.

There are no short cuts, you must invest time, money and effort if you are serious about making money online! I happily invested $3,995 to learn from Jay Abraham about marketing at his 3-day billion dollar marketing weekend. And there were over 500 people from China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Singapore attending this special marketing seminar. And many of the participants were millionaires, CEOs, and top executives. This clearly shows that successful people are constantly investing in themselves.

Here's a great marketing tip for you, it is not how much you put into your business, it is how much your return on investment that you should focus on! If every $100 worth of advertisement gives you a $200 profit can you afford to keep on advertising it again and again? Of course, you will want to do it again and again because you have created a positive cashflow of $100 each time you place an advertisement!

There are literally thousands of people worldwide making decent part-time income through AdWords on the Internet, and it is a good start to generate your seed money for creating wealth! Do you believe you can make money from a 25 cent advertisment? Yes, you can if you have the knowledge on how to do it! Again, do not expect to achieve riches in a very short time, it does take time and for a few special ones it may take months and for most people it probably take years! It all depends on your burning desire and your commitment to creating wealth so that you can enjoy a better lifestyle!

For more information on how you can start on your road to riches with Google AdWords, go to:

Adsense Revenues - Streams of Alternative Profits

There are thousands, if not millions of ways to be successful on the internet. Many internet marketing ideas readily exist that someone else has developed and perfected, just waiting to be implemented. One such opportunity is using the Adsense program with none other than Google. Very quickly, anyone who has already started their Adsense program has figured out that just getting your account set up, putting the advertisement snippets on your web pages are a few helpful marketing ideas to enhance your revenue and profits.

According to Google, the Adsense program contains three distinct sections that influence the exact amount of your revenue. These are: Clickthrough rates, Page impressions, and Effective cost per thousand impressions (CPM).

It may seem simple but the truth for many is, by simply adding Google ads to any new or existing website you have will automatically maximize possible revenue streams. Google places relevant CPC (cost-per-click) and CPM ads into the same auction and lets them compete against one another. The auction takes place instantaneously and when it's over Adsense will automatically display the text or image ad(s) that will generate the maximum revenue for a page -- and the maximum revenue for you.

Clickthrough rates are mathematically determined as a percentage of viewers who have chosen to click on your particular advertisement, versus the total number of impressions viewed. This number can be influenced and enhanced by carful wording, structure, and layout of the surrounding information to any given ad. Google attempts to adapt each advertisement placed to appropriately fit their ad to the content, context, and relevance of the web pages themselves. The more the information surrounding the Google ads have in common, the more specific and targeted Google is able to make their ads.

For example, if your web page is designed to focus on bicycles, you would make sure that the work "bicycles" appears prominently through the page, typically with several aspects about the bikes outlined. This greatly increases the likelihood that Google will deliver specific advertisements for bicycles to your ad pages. The net effect is delivery of targeted which in turn increases your clickthrough rate.

Page impressions simply stated are the number of occurrences web pages that contain Adsense ads are viewed for a given period of time. There is no getting around this issue. Unless you have traffic coming to your site, well maximized Adsense activities will do you no good! Increasing traffic to your site is a multi-dimensional effort that involves a multitude of different techniques and efforts.

These typically include such things as a reciprocal linking strategy, article submissions, forum participation, directory submission, pay-per-click (PPC) programs, and a carefully planned and implemented search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.

Effective cost per thousand impressions (CPM). The measure of importance for CPM gauges a marketer's average revenues or earnings, per thousand clicks. The goal being to increase the CPM earnings average as high as possible. This ensures maximum profits and revenues. A key to increasing the CPM effectiveness is careful selection of keywords. Depending on the popularity of specific words, Google pays according to this popularity.

Keywords that receive millions of clicks pay a much higher rate (per click) than those with low click frequency. To locate additional information about keyword research tools, simply run a search on Google. You will find information ranging from the use of search engines such as Overture, to a wide variety of keyword search tools.

Utilizing these simple techniques, you should be able to substantially increase your profits and success with the Google Adsense program. Combining these with other strategies (such as the location Google ads within a given web page) will dramatically increase both the efficiency and effectiveness of your campaign activities.

Author by Stephen Wright

Google Cash Frenzy

Google, sometimes referred to as the Big G, has once again proved to the world that it still is the dominant and greatly profitable leader in the Internet search market. Recent reports indicate profits are up 110% to $721m in the three months to June 2006. Much of these Google profits come from their clever and very successful advertising program called Google Adwords.

Google, essentially a search company, had gained market dominance through smart ranking technologies that provided the user with the most relevant search results ever possible to date. It’s simple user interface, coupled with smart algorithms combined with a snappy name and logo has made it the most used search engine today, putting itself years ahead from it’s closest rivals. A listing for a targeted search term in the first page or two of Google’s organic listing is every webmaster’s dream. This means huge success in terms of traffic, sales and hence money in the bank!

But, unfortunately, it is not possible for every website to be listed on the first page or two. Google saw the potential for offering paid listings that will appear alongside organic results for a search term. In this way, a webmaster can still get his website onto the first page or two under sponsored listings but for a price. Google launched their pay-per-click program, an advertiser only pays when someone clicks their ad, called it Adwords and the rest, as they say, is history!

Google then followed up with a progam called Adsense which is linked to Adwords. Adsense is where any ordinary webmaster (called a publisher) can display relevant ads from Google’s advertisers on their site. When a user to that site clicks an ad, Google pays them a percentage of that click cost.

Google, by it’s very existence, has given webmasters a chance to earn money in ways that wouldn’t have been possible. Currently, people make cash out of Google by using Adwords and/or Adsense. Thousands of ordinary people are sharing in on Google’s success and profits, making for themselves nice checks every month in the process. Let’s see how.


Adwords are used by off-line and online businesses alike to advertise their products or services. But, for ordinary people, that’s not where the money is. Thousands of people are combining the versatility of affiliate programs with the reach of Adwords, making themselves a lot of money in the process.

People search for products that they can promote and more people turn to for this. Clickbank, a large Internet company, acts as reseller, payment processor and affiliate commission payer all in one. It works like this. A publisher, wanting to sell his/her products signs up with Clickbank and enters Clickbank’s marketplace. Affiliates wanting to promote the publisher’s products, signs up with Clickbank first as an affiliate and obtains an ID which is used in a special link called a hop link.

The affiliate then markets the publisher’s products by way of advertising, especially on Google Adwords (but can be by any other means although Google Adwords produces best results) in an effort to drive traffic to the site of the publisher. If the referral results in a sale, Clickbank processes the transaction, takes a percentage of the sale, allocates the commission to the affiliate and the balance to the publisher. Clickbank pays affiliates and publishers every two weeks.

This appeal and popularity lies in the fact that affiliates don’t need to have a product or website of their own and the commissions offered are very generous, sometimes as high as 75% of the product price. Affiliates also have the luxury of marketing a number of products from different publishers all at once.

But, a word of warning. Adwords is a bit intricate and very few people understand the system fully. If you don’t know what you are doing, you can lose a lot of money in a very short space of time. My advice would be to learn the system thoroughly, try a few small test campaigns and tweak as you go along. Never spend more than what you feel comfortable with and intensify your campaign only when you see positive results.


Here, publishers on Google’s Content Network receive a commission when someone clicks on Google ads on their site. When an advertiser advertises with Adwords, he is given a few options. He can advertise on Google Search – ads appear as sponsored results alongside organic search results when users search using Google’s Search Engine, Google Search Network – ads appear on Google’s search partners and Content Network – independent websites that host Google ads ie. the Adsense sites we are talking about.

Participating in Google Adsense is relatively easy. You simply sign up for free at Google and when your site has been approved, you will be given Javacript code that you place on your website. Google provides publishers a range of options when it comes to ad sizes and colors in order to complement their site’s design and theme.

There are numerous tips to increase your Adsense revenue – too numerous to mention in this little article but I’ll tell you the most important ones. Firstly, build a website for the user and not Adsense. Put quality, fresh content that is relevant to your website and not duplicate, trashy content. Google is clamping down on sites made just for Adsense that offer the user no real benefit. Secondly, optimize your web pages correctly. Lastly, concentrate all your efforts on getting good, regular traffic to your site - after all, if no one visits your site, who will click on the ads?

Yes, making money with Google is possible but won’t happen overnight. Continuously research and test but most of all go slow, put in some hard work and keep up with it! All the best!

Is Your Business Leaking Customers?

Recently I launched a new promotion for my business. As I put the finishing touches on my latest promotion, I tried to decide whether or not to add it to my affiliate program. After all, it was a private listing, and I would be testing sales before releasing it to my affiliates.

I realized then I had been leaving money on the table. I hadn't been adding my products to my affiliate tracking software.

The problem I had was that by not integrating an autoresponder into my sales system, I had failed to build a list of my customers.

This is by far the most valuable list you can build for your business because this is a warm market for you. Your customers have already bought from you. They are more likely to buy from you again.

Although building a list may seem obvious, automating your list of customers may not.

You may have made the same mistake. What I'm talking about here is automatically capturing the email address of your customer when you sell him a product. This is far easier than trying to compile a list of your customers manually.

I've sold thousands of products during my internet marketing career. My list of customers should be several thousand people long. It's not. The reason is that I didn't put a system in place to capture customer information while automating the process.

This is crucial to your business success because you are leaving money on the table if you don't remarket to your customers. They have already bought from you in the past. They are more likely to buy from you again. Whenever you create a new offer for your business, you should send them a mailing first. This can dramatically increase your sales.

Let me explain.

It is true that most payment processors capture the email address. After all, you need to send your customer confirmation of payment, as well as let him know when he can expect to receive the product.

However, once this initial contact is made, unless you have a system in place to add your new customer to an autoresponder, you won't be able to add your new customer in the future. The reason is that most autoresponder systems now require you to have your customer's IP address to manually add him to your autoresponder.

The only way to do this is to contact the customer and ask. Unfortunately, if you have a lot of customers the way I do, this isn't feasible.

So how do you stop the money leak?

You'll need some type of script to help you.

The easiest way to do this is to add a subscription box to an autoresponder on your download page or redirect page. Explain to the customer that you offer some type of updates to the product. When the customer adds his name and email, you can follow up.

You can also send an email to your customer offering him an opportunity to join your list.

The main disadvantage to a system like this is getting the customer to subscribe. He may simply download his products and never return. I did try this system with my site, and it didn't work very well.

Another solution is to integrate an affiliate tracking script or shopping cart script into your site.

Most affiliate tracking scripts or shopping cart scripts have this option and allow you to integrate the information into your sales process. This allow you to capture this information during the customer's purchase. This is the easiest way to make sure you capture the customer's information.

You can find scripts to integrate into your shopping process by visiting one of the scripts sites. If you prefer not to add another script to your site, or you can't, you can purchase shopping cart software, as well as affiliate program management software to handle these tasks for you.

Make sure you shop around. These solutions can be quite expensive.

You may assume that somewhere you already have the customer on your list. This may or may not be true. If the customer found you through the search engines, or another site, he may have been looking for your product and not another list to join. He may not be on any of your lists.

Don't take this for granted. One of the biggest mistakes I see new small business owners make is that they don't offer a list or have lead capture on every page of their sites if they include it at all. If they don't already offer a list before the sale, chances are, they don't have list building integrated into the sales process. This is another costly mistake.

When a visitor first visits your site, make sure you have a way to capture his contact information. When you sell him a product, make sure you capture his email address again. Now he is your customer. He's part of your warm market and is far more valuable to you because you have sold to him.

Focus on your warm market. Take care of your customers. By simply making this one change to your business, you can easily increase your profits.

7 Steps To Success In The Independent Affiliate Business

I'm sure you are like millions of other people in the world. You would like to make extra money without doing very much work. Well the only business I have found that won't cost you anything to start is to become an Independent Business Affiliate. This is the best business on the net today. No website required. No experience needed. No selling on your part.

1. What is an Independent Business Affiliate?

An Independent Business Affiliate is someone that sell other peoples products. Huge companies that spend millions on developing products will pay you up to 75% for every sale.

2. Why is it good for me?

Because all of the products you can sell come with professionally designed website. This makes it easy to sell and you will never have to spend thousands on developing a website.

3. What's the cost to start this business?

To become an Independent Business Affiliate will cost you NOTHING. These big companies will pay you up to 75% for every product you sell. That's about $35 per sale in your pocket.

4. How many products can I choose from?

There are thousands of companies that want to work with you. All of these companies sell hundreds of products. You can sell one or one hundred products all for FREE, It's up to you.

5. Where do I sell these products?

I sell my products through email advertising, banner ads, newspaper ads and direct mail. I blast emails every day to millions of people. When they read my emails, there is a link that will direct them to my affiliate website. Then once on the website, If they buy something I get credit for the sale. Money in my pocket.

6. If it so easy, why is not everyone doing it?

That's because not everyone knows about it. The people that do are making thousands every day and don't want any competition. If you had a product making you millions of dollars a year, would you tell everyone?

7. How do I get into this business?

It is hard to find people that will give this step by step information away for free. Most people charge $100 for there packages. I only know of one that is free. I will give you the link at the end of this letter.

I started my business in about an hour. I made my first sale the next day, just sending out a bunch of emails. It was the best feeling in the world. I finally found a business that didn't cost an arm and a leg to start and I started out working 10 min a day. Now I spend 1 hour a day and this is all I do now for a living. I love working from home. I spend most of the day playing with my wife and kids. I wish you the same great success. Good luck my friend, I hope to see you on the beach some day.

Selling E-books for Revenue

Can you get rich selling e-books? Huge profit is not guaranteed, but you can build a nice income for sure and you can also create some nice links for your website. Improving your links will help create better search engine ranking and more visitors to your site.

E-books are electronic versions of printed material that can contain text, sound, and images. The profit potential from selling them is high because start up and operating expenses are very low. The biggest expense is purchasing books for sale.

You can earn even more money if you write some of your own e-books. Your writing skills don't have to be stellar. There are online sources that will take your research and craft an e-book for you. Some of these companies even take care of marketing, payments, and shipping.

Buying e-books for Sale

You can purchase e-books from authors online. eBay is another source for e-book buying. Purchase e-books with resell rights. This allows customers to sell the e-books they buy from you themselves thus providing an incentive for them to do business with you.

Make sure the e-books you buy (or write yourself) are full of useful information and resources. Some e-books are nothing more than ads and sales pitches for the writer's products. These "ad books" will turn off customers and decrease repeat business.

Do your research to determine what types of information people are seeking. Getting rich selling e-books will depend on the topics covered, customer base, and marketing campaign.

Before buying an e-book for resale, do an online search for the title. If lots of web sites are selling the book, it's probably a popular title and will be a good seller. It also helps to sell e-books that cater to a specific market niche. Search online forums and other group sites to locate potential target markets for niche titles. Contact these groups with a short email inviting them to visit your site. Offer an incentive such as 20% off first purchase to increase site traffic.

E-books about current trends or hot topics will generate more income. Your income will really get a boost if you can spot the "next big topic" and write or purchase e-books to sell before the competition saturates the market.

Marketing Extras

You can use a common template for your e-books web site or sell them on an existing site you already have. However, to stand out from the competition, create you own web site to sell e-books. Always add new titles to your stock to keep old customers coming back and to attract new ones. Use email to notify customers of new titles and special sales. Offer discounts on slow moving titles.

Affiliate programs are another way to get rich selling e-books. The affiliate pays you a commission for of its e-books you sell. To earn extra cash from e-books you write, start your own affiliate program.

There are plenty of online and print books that will help you learn how to get in on the e-book sales bandwagon. A good place to begin reading is "Make Your Knowledge Sell," by Ken Evoy and Monique Harris.


"About Making Money with E-Books," (

"Make Money Selling Ebooks," (

"Make Money Selling Ebooks," (

"Is Your Dog Selling eBooks Too?," (

Copyright © Ann Nichols

5 Secrets of the Most Successful Blogs

Blogs are becoming more and more popular. If you don’t already have a weblog of your own, you’ve at least posted a comment to one, read one, or heard the term used in everyday conversation.

You may also have noticed that only a small number of blogs are truly known in each industry. As is true with most major media, “the cream rises to the top”. The best weblogs have a large following and are valuable sources of information for thousands of readers. There are five primary reasons why some blogs become popular and others don’t:

1. Focusing on a Popular Content Area. One of the most important characteristics of a successful blog is appropriate content. In order to gain a large following your blog must cover a topical area that is broad enough to be of interest to a large number of individuals but specific enough to have meaning.

Weblogs that provide information on obscure topics can never have a sizeable audience because the topic is of limited interest. So, if you’re going to start a blog of your own, make sure that your content area is broad enough to appeal to a large audience.

2. Content that’s timely. The best way to keep your blog readers interested is with timely content. Your blog should cover current events, opinions, and topics. Popular weblogs often comment on current events tied to their particular subject area or industry. Not only is the content meaningful to blog readers, but it encourages them to interact with your blog posts by placing comments.

Timely content is anything that is of current interest. Your best sources for timely content include daily newspapers, magazines, Internet news sites, and industry journals. Be sure to choose timely content that can be discussed and debated. This improves the overall effectiveness of your blog posts.

3. Updated Daily. The blogs that attract the most readers are those addressing popular content areas, covering timely topics, and refreshed on a daily basis. If your weblog adds a new post everyday, then readers have a reason to return. Providing daily updates on a consistent basis helps users to develop the habit of visiting daily. Updated content builds a loyal following while encouraging word-of-mouth referrals about your posts.

4. Comments from Industry Experts. Nothing speaks with more authority than an interview with an expert. The most popular blogs integrate interviews, commentary, podcasts, and other posts that include an expert who offers their thoughts and opinions on a given topic or current event. This is an essential reason why so many people return to the most popular blogs over and over again.

If you’re wondering how to recruit experts for your blog, than look to current best practices for blogging and Internet marketing… simply ask. Industry experts are always looking to share their ideas. If you can’t arrange for an in-person or phone interview, email the expert a list of questions and ask for their responses.

5. Use Interactive Media and Visuals. It’s difficult for blog readers to read flat, boring text day in and day out – regardless of how stimulating a topic may be. The most popular bloggers know this and have enhanced their blogs with audio, video, external links, screenshots, and more.

The best way to improve the overall popularity of your blog is to present blog content in a variety of formats. Visit other blogs and determine what type of interactivity would work best for your blog. You don’t need to go overboard, just add interactive content where it makes sense to do so.

By following the lead of today’s most popular blogs, your blog can thrive. Follow the blog secrets listed above for enhancing your blog and improving readership. The key is to plan your blogging activities carefully and encourage interaction with your readers. This enhances the overall effectiveness of your blog and makes for a truly great blogging experience for everyone. Happy Blogging!

How to Become an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate Marketing is becoming the fastest growing ways to make money online. You see ads web pages all the time. Guess what? They are affiliate marketing.

How affiliate marketing works is… that you sign up for a product to promote, you promote it, someone buys it and you get paid. That sounds simple don’t it? Well, it is kind of simple. You will have to learn how to find the right products to promote and how to promote it, but I’ll tell you about that later.

First thing first is you need to go to a site like Commission Junction and sign up. Once you sign up, you can browse what kind of products they offer that you can promote. Once you find something there to promote, you can add the code to your site. Make sure you pick something that will be compatible with your website. Like, if your website is about fixing cars, you find an affiliate program that has do with where to get parts for the car.

You need to make sure your affiliate link or banner is somewhere that will get people to notice it and make them want to click on it. This up to you/ try different location until you find one that works for you.

Once you have that set up the code on your website, you will have to promote the page to get people on the site. That is somewhat easy to do. The best and easy way to do it is to post in forums that is similar to your site and have you site in the signature. You can also write articles on sites like this one with your link in the resource portion of the article.

Now you might be saying, “what if I don’t have a website?” Well, that’s fine also, just make a blog about a subject that you know about and go to Commission Junction to find an affiliate product to promote it.

Now the key to promoting it, isn’t to add it to your blog or website and telling them to click on the link for great deals. I have seen people do that but for me, I don’t like doing that. Let them click if they want to.

Also if you don’t want to start a blog, you can also use a signature in a forum if you post in the right forums. But that’s sometimes is frowned upon. I have seen people do that before though. I’m not sure how much money you can make doing it this way, but you can always try it if that is what you want to do.

3 Reasons Why Adsense Is Essential For Content Sites

To know why Adsense is essential for your content sites is to know first how this works.

The concept is really simple, if you think about it. The publisher or the webmaster inserts a java script into a certain website. Each time the page is accessed, the java script will pull advertisements from the Adsense program. The ads that are targeted should therefore be related to the content that is contained on the web page serving the ad. If a visitor clicks on an advertisement, the webmaster serving the ad earns a portion of the money that the advertiser is paying the search engine for the click.

The search engine is the one handling all the tracking and payments, providing an easy way for webmasters to display content-sensitive and targeted ads without having the hassle to solicit advertisers, collect funds, monitor the clicks and statistics which could be a time-consuming task in itself. It seems that there is never a shortage of advertisers in the program from which the search engine pulls the Adsense ads. Also webmasters are less concerned by the lack of information search engines are providing and are more focused in making cash from these search engines.

The first reason why Adsense is essential for content sites is because it already has come a long way in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters. Together with its continuous progression is the appearance of more advanced system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters are given the chance to choose from many different types of text ad formats to better complement their website and fit their webpage layout.

The different formatting enables the site owners the possibility of more click through from visitors who may or may not be aware of what they are clicking on. It can also appeal to the people visiting thus make them take that next step of looking up what it is all about. This way the people behind the Adsense will get their content read and making profit in the process.

The second reason is the ability of the Adsense publishers to track not only how their sites are progressing but also the earnings based on the webmaster-defined channels. The recent improvements in the search engines gives webmasters the capability to monitor how their ads are performing using customizable reports that has the capacity to detail page impressions, clicks and click-through rates. Webmasters and publishers can now track specific ad formats, colors and pages within a website. Trends are also easily spotted.

With the real-time reporting at hand, the effectiveness of the changes made will be assessed quickly. There would be time to sort out the contents that people are making the most clicks on. The ever-changing demands would be met while generating cash for the webmasters and publishers. The more flexible tools are also allowing webmasters to group web pages by URL, domain, ad type or category, which will provide them some accurate insight on which pages, ads and domains are performing best.

The last and final reason is that the advertisers have realized the benefits associated having their ads served on targeted websites. Thus increasing the possibility that a prospective web surfer will have an interest in their product and services. All because of the content and its constant maintenance. As opposed to those who are no using Adsense in their sites, they are given the option of having other people do their content for them, giving them the benefit of having successful and money-generating web sites.

Adsense is all about targeted content, the more targeted your content is, the more target the search engines’ ads will be. There are some web masters and publishers who are focused more on their site contents and how best to maintain them rather than the cash that the ads will generate for them. This is the part where the effectiveness is working its best.

There was a time when people were not yet aware of the money to be achieved from advertisements. The cash generated only came into existence when the webmasters and publishers realized how they can make Adsense be that generator. In those days, the content were the most important factors that is taken quite seriously. It still is. With the allure of money, of course.

Increase Your eBay Profits the Easy Way

Sometimes the simplest things can boost the number of visitors and bids to your auction listings and increase your eBay profits.

Robert G. Allen, author of Multiple Streams of Internet Income, writes, "If you are going to play online, then act like your life depended on it. Embed your web address and e-mail address in your off-line brochures, on your business cards, in every marketing message, and in every advertisement you place."

This advice rings true for online auction sellers as well. You need to make it easy for web-surfers to find your current auction listings. The more visitors your auctions have, the higher your eBay profits.

Create a signature file and add a link to your auctions with every e-mail that you send. Most e-mail programs will allow the reader to click on any phase that begins with http://. Your signature should include a short marketing message that directs the reader to your current auction listings. Here's an example:

STAR WARS COMIC BLOWOUT! - All auctions open at 99 cents with NO RESERVE
Click -->

To create a signature file in Microsoft Outlook Express 6 simply:

>On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Signatures tab.

>To create a signature, click New and then either enter text in the Edit Signature box or click File, and then find the text or HTML file you'd like to use.

>Select the Add signatures to all outgoing messages check box.

AuctionLink -- -- is a handy and free tool for creating an effective signature file. This service provides a short, memorable web address that forwards visitors to a seller's current eBay listings.

Additionally, you should consider promoting your auctions by including a link with every post you make on bulletin board discussions (such as Yahoo! eGroups), news groups, and in the various free classified ad listing services around the internet. According to Allen, these venues can often create the opportunity "to reach huge numbers of people, multiple times, over a long period of time."

Make sure you include the web address to your auction listings on the thank-you note you include in the package sent to your winning bidders. A repeat customer is much easier to develop than a new customer.

It's a waste of time and money to post an elaborate auction listing if you are the only one who knows that it is there. Don't overlook or underestimate these powerful grassroots marketing campaigns when you are looking to drum up bids on your online auctions and increase your eBay profits.

Making a Money Making "Media Website"

Weather you want to publish home videos or tutorial videos in any subject the price to publish them on the web can be pricy. Videos, especiacially high quality videos, can eat up alot of bandwidth. I was charged over $400 for overusage of bandwidth on one of my video sites and then I stopped publishing videos right away. When choosing a host to host your videos you should consider several important factors: unlimited bandwidth, 100+ Mpbs connection, price, and the permission to host videos.

Some sites offer unlimited bandwidth in dedicated servers (servers reserved for only one site); however, the connection on the server may be 10 Mpbs, 20 Mbps, or somewhere around there. When I signed up with a dedicated server with 10 Mpbs my site was very slow and I lost alot of customers. I get over 2000 unique hits per day so bandwidth and speed was very demanding. Hosting sites do have plans with fast unlimited bandwidth but hosting videos and music are prohibited due to the overusage of bandwidth. In reality, there is no such thing as unlimited bandwidth becuase then it would cost the hosting sites tremendous amount of money to run their hosting businesses. “Unlimited Bandwidth” is used to attract customers who do not plan on making a site with videos and music.

If you get a host that offers a connection with 100 Mpbs or above then the host should be considered for your business. 100 Mbps should be enough speed for an average media site. With a good connection this leads to the price of the hosting. Some hosts only offer that amount of speed on dedicated servers that are allowed to have videos and music; usually the price to host such media content is $70 or above per month. If you have enough money to invest you should consider dedicated servers.

If you want to host media content you should ask the host before signing up with them. Some hosts have virtual servers (servers that have more than one site) which have excellent speed; however, they will disable, delete, suspend, or even ban your site from their servers if your site takes too much bandwidth or power from them. Making a media site is very demanding and it is very costly.

I found to be a good hosting company that allows you to host almost anything. Currently they are offering unlimited space and unlimited bandwidth with 1000 Mpbs connection for only $39.99 a month. This is an incredible deal. I hosted my sites with them and I have been with them for two years. Their support team is not the best; however, if you have good experience in web site making then you should be ok.

With experience I found two solutions that are perfect for those who don’t want to spend that much money or worry about bandwidth and speed. and YouTube requires mpg format and avi format for uploading your videos. And if you do not have director’s account then your videos are limited to be 100 MB or less in size and 10 minutes or less in length in order to be published. YouTube members who are directors have no limitation in videos size or video length so, you should apply to be a director. It’s best to make your site first and apply for a directr’s account since it’s free to sign up and it’s risk free. is perfect solution for direct downloading. I recommend you sign up with their on-time-fee premium account for $99.99 for LIFETIME membership. Their premium account is an excellent investment for your media site. You can upload a file up to 2000 MB in size. Or if you have your files stored away somewhere on the web you can transfer it with the FTP/HTTP connection in one simple step. If you play your cards right you can take that $99.99 that you invested in and make it into $10000+ in a month.

Start Your Own Online Business For Free

You may have seen those ads that make all kinds of promises and free offers and give you the sweetest rags to riches stories, but once you finish reading the hype, your own dreams are crushed when you reach the bottom and find that "bottom line price" of only $39.99...$49.99 and even $99.99! (often times more than that!)

When does it all end? It doesn't... as long as there are desperate people like me and you who are looking for something to change thier lives in the shortest time possible, we find ourselves falling for the hype of viral marketing, info marketing, pop ups, pop unders and so on.

Well let me tell you a little secret... ready?

The same information that they are trying to sell you they found themselves for free. They just knew the right questions to ask and the right places to ask them from. They probably even found out how to market and package the info that they are selling to you for free.

So with that known, I decided to start my own website dedicated to finding out all I could on my own about what I wanted to do, which was start my own internet retailing business. I started on my quest when I realized that there were tons of companies that were trying to sell me products to sell. There were membership fees, service fees, minimum order amounts, etc.. Well, I got fed up and decided not to take the sucker route. I found out that if you wanted something then all you had to do was ask for it, all they could say was yes or no, with no loss to you.
Well, upon my search I managed to wrangle up lists of companies that wouldnt charge me a dime to sell thier products on my site or at the auction, all I owed them was the wholesale price of the item and shipping and handling which the customer pays (yes this is a form of dropshipping) But I have been side tracked in my quest, as I have created this website dedicated to helping others as well as myself as I learn the in's and out of the internet as a business.

In my research, Ive found that much of the info that I was suckered into buying several times over on my own just by asking questions at the companies search engines. That's all, it was easy as that, just asking a question. Of course you will have to get an eye for what is a scam and what is legitimate. The point is, you shouldnt have to pay for something that is free. These people are making money off of...guess what?'re laziness.
So get off your tush and get to those search engine and try rephrasing your questions, you might be surprised at what you find.

But if you want to find out more visit my website at

The Top Work From Home Program

Today working online is bigger than ever. The problem is that there are so many different work from home guides and products that it is hard to find one with relevant information.
I would say that 99% of these programs do not give you the amount of information that you will need to be successful in this business. That slim 1% does offer information that will jump start your career in making money online.

I believe the best program is called easy money made online. You can find this program in the link at the bottom of this article.

Easy money made online is a guide that shows you the correct way to make money online. This program offers multiple different ways to make money online and is the program that I refer to for making money online. Without this program I would not be where I am today, making hundreds of dollars a day online.

So do not make the mistake of falling for one of those irrelevant programs that are in the 99 percentile range for irrelevant information. Check out for the top 3 programs on the internet. I completely agree with their choices.
Again, if you are interested in this business make sure you choose a program that is going to help you start off on the right foot.

The Internet Marketers' Success Mindset

If your like most people you have probably asked yourself the question "What does it take to become sucessful at Internet Marketing?" The answer is at first glance complicated but after a little consideration becomes so absolutely simple as to seem almost obvious.In one word "Perseverance". Every person that you hear about who has become a success online has done so by focusing their time, energy, and concentration on learning their craft.This is truly one business that anyone can be successful at if they are willing to put in the effort. Some may say "it's too hard" or "I don't have the time" but as I stated before If your willing to spend just a little time to learn the craft It's just not that hard. The internet is going to be around from now on so if all you can devote to it is a few minutes a day then do so and come back to it tomorrow...It will still be there when you come back. Just don't give up! Everyone has their moments of despair when they think "I can't do this I'm not smart enough".If a 19 year old kid or a 47 year old truck driver can do it then you can too. It's only a matter of being patient and resolute in your determination to not let it beat you. After all the Internet was meant to be understood and utilized by everyone.

Keeping a positive attitude is essential to your online sucess. When those doubts start sneaking in through the back door of your mind all you have to do is refocus on why you started your internet marketing business in the first place. With most people it is FREEDOM.

The FREEDOM to do whatever you want, whenever you want to do it and there is no time clock to punch, no boss to answer to and no hour and a half commute to a deadend job that you hate so you can earn a paycheck that is just not quite big enough, so you can barely pay your bills just one more time....! We have all dreamed of better things but it's the mindset of the internet marketer that makes all those dreams a reality.

The internet is full of success stories. People who aspired to have a better life and were willing to learn a few things about how internet marketing works. They persevered in their quest to make success happen. If you associate with successful people then success will associate with you. If you seek out success, It is certain that success will seek you out.

The Home Based Business Entrepreneur

A home based business entrepreneur generally starts out prepared with a business plan, plenty of capital, knowledge of the product or service she or he is selling, a good Web site, a marketing and advertising plan, and the means to get the product or service to market.

What happens often, however, are eventualities that the home based business entrepreneur simply did not think of. While these can be annoying and worrisome, they don't necessarily have to mean that the entrepreneur has to put aside his or her home based business idea.

Two common issues that can arise in a home based business are zoning restrictions and noisy neighbors. Someone may have moved into an area before they decided to become an entrepreneur and open a home based business. Now he or she finds out the zoning may be a problem. He shouldn't panic. The first thing is to check the zoning ordinances.

The primary issues with businesses based out of the home are neighborhood disturbances caused by the business - clients making noise, coming and going at all hours, taking up parking space on the street. If an entrepreneur has a home based business that does not typically have clients coming by, there usually is not an issue. Examples of this might be online store businesses, writers and editors, graphic artists, virtual assistants, and services that go out to their customers like landscapers and errand services.

Even if the entrepreneur should find out that the home based business is restricted by zoning it's still quite possible to talk to the neighbors, get their okay and then go through the proper government channels to get a permit for conditional use or a zoning variance.

Noisy neighbors can be a problem for an entrepreneur with a home based business, and if it's just a question of loud rock music the resolution is to ask nicely. If that doesn't take care of it there are law enforcement options. If, however, there are perfectly allowable things out of doors, such as lawn mowers, a child care center down the street, the neighborhood pool party, and so forth, that the owner can't do much about there are things that help mute the noise. Something as simple as rearranging furniture, or lined and weather-stripped drapes could help considerably.

A more expensive option, but one that would allow the entrepreneur to still view the beautiful outdoors while working at her home business would be to replace the office windows with new triple glazed ones that keep out noise. Another alternative is to replace annoying sounds with soothing ones - background classical music, or a fish tank's gurgle can make a big noise difference.